Easy Combo Boosterpakke
Titel : Takes all the headache out of it
Kommentar : Just put half a tab in 5 litres of water and feed your plants can't be simpler
Titel : Co
Kommentar : Klappt tadelos. Wachsen gut.
Titel : Bisher gut
Kommentar : Verwende diese Tabletten nun seit etwa 3 wochen und den Pflanzen gehts super
Titel : Jul
Kommentar : Très pratique !
Titel : Royal Queen seeds atRE THE ONES
Kommentar : Just saved a plant from a friend,she was horrible im new and feeling a doc. Lol THX to This amasing nutrients? Best site ever
Titel : Tutto perfetto
Kommentar : Tutto perfetto, le pastiglie rosa erano tutte ridotte in polvere ma non è stato un problema. Cambierei l'immagine sulla scatola perché trae in inganno portando a usare la pillola rosa per la crescita e quella scura per la fioritura.
Titel : Adrian
Kommentar : Super Dünger zum Ergänzen anderer organischen Düngern!!
Titel : Buon prodotto
Kommentar : Al momento ho solo usato lo stimolatore di crescita e direi che hanno dato uno sprint in più alla fase vegetativa,infatti ho appena ordinato un set da 5 di easy grow.Per quanto riguarda lo stimolatore di fioritura vi faró sapere.
Titel : Combo utile
Kommentar : Uno dei migliori booster che copre vegetativa e fioritura, inoltre un ottimo pack 2 in 1
Titel : Ottimo prodotto per piante di maria
Kommentar : Da usare sia in combo che separati ottimo per principianti
Titel : Dennis
Kommentar : Kann man nicht meckern!
Titel : Top
Kommentar : Fertilizzanti assolutamente top!
Titel : Booster
Kommentar : I fiori hanno effettivamente preso più corpo, non saprei dire quanto sia dovuto al prodotto, ma immagino abbia fatto la sua parte
Titel : Bjarne_420
Kommentar : Jupp. Absolute weiterempfehlung! Hatte zur referenz 2 gleiche strains, eins ohne und eins mit blüten-boost gedüngt.... mit blütenboos wurden die buds harziger, mind. 1/3 größer und ey.... härter geschallert als ohne...
(Bestelle ick seitdem immer direkt mit)
Titel : facili da usare
Kommentar : i migliori
Reicht eine 3er Packung dann für eine Pflanze bzw. Wie oft soll man damit gießen? Immer oder ab und zu normales Regenwasser? Wie lang kann man das Gemisch aufbewahren oder muss man alles sofort aufbrauchen. Da kleine Pflanzen ja noch nicht so viel Wasser brauchen?
We recommend applying once a week, depending on your plant's needs. The water can be stored for up to one week before it begins to lose its effectiveness.
Can i cut the thing in half and put it in 1,5 to 2.5 L of water (instead of 3 to 5L )for the growing part ? Can i cut the thing in half and put it in 2.5 to 4 L of water (instead of 5 to 8 L of water) for the blommig part ? Thanks
Hello, yes, you can. Remember to put it also in the proportional part of water.
In this combo i Will get 2 Bloom tabs and 1 grow is that right?
If you select the 3 tablets option, you will receive 2 tablets of Easy Bloom Booster and 1 tablet of Easy Grow Booster.
Buongiorno, nella confezione ho trovato 2 pastiglie rosa ed 1 nera. Quali sono per la crescita e quali per la fioritura? Grazie
The pink ones are the Easy Bloom Booster Tablet and the black ones the Easy Grow Booster Tablets.
so 3 tablets came, one is for veg stage and the other 2 are for bloom? please correct me
Yes, the Easy Grow Booster is for the vegetative stage and the Easy Bloom Booster for the flowering stage.
which one of the two is for bloom? since they are both the same colour pink, only the other one is black which is the easy grow
Please note this is a combo of the Grow Booster + the Bloom Booster. If you only want the Bloom Booster you can buy this product directly at the following link: https://www.royalqueenseeds.com/growing/356-easy-bloom-booster-tablet.html
Greetings, Which Between (Easy Boost Organic Nutrition) and (Easy combo booster) is best. If i have both its made more weight (bloom) or if i use both that’s damaged my flower?
The Easy combo booster is a complement to optimize the results of each stage, Easy Grow for the vegetative period and Easy Bloom for the flowering period. They are totally compatible with the Easy Boost Organic Nutrition.
Hola, para usar este fertilizante, es necesario suspender el uso de otros fertilizantes o se puede usar como complemento? Saludos
Hay que tener mucho cuidado con los fertilizantes ya que sobrealimentar una planta puede tener consecuencias nefastas. Nosotros recomendamos usar sólo un fertilizante y siempre en la dosis adecuada.
can 2 tablets be mixed and used for autos?
You should use the growth tablets for the vegetative stage and the blooming for the flowering period. You can use them for Autoflowering Strains too.
næringsstoffer og boostere
næringsstoffer og boostere