Haze Cannabis - the Royal Queen Seeds Collection
Haze: Cloud Eater Cannabis
Haze varieties are extraordinary sativa strains. Albeit, with a contentious and hazy history. Sam the Skunk Man boasts his version of Haze’s true origins, while the original “King of Cannabis” Nevil Schoenmakers provides a more plausible explanation for the lineage and subsequent refinement of Haze. But even his claims are not without their discrepancies.
Concerning the very beginnings of Haze history, there isn’t much to be certain of. Both of the above parties unreservedly accredit the “Haze Brothers” from America’s West Coast as the creators of the strain. The brothers were known for cultivating a wide selection of sativa genetics, apparently growing everything from Thai to Colombian and even Mexican and South Indian strains as well. Occurring throughout most of the 1960’s and 70’s, crossing so many diverse landraces eventually resulted in what we know today as the original Haze hybrid.
Spread of Haze
During the 1980’s, these genetics found their way to the Netherlands. Through a combination of selective breeding and adaptation to indoor cultivation, the modern Haze varieties were developed. Many seed banks and European breeders would spend the best part of the next three decades continuing and honing in on this work.
Sativa connoisseurs will choose Haze over other strains at a moment’s notice. Smoking Haze is a unique, mind-expanding experience. The polar opposite of the couch-locking Kush effect, Haze is far more psychedelic and cerebral than it is physical. Whereas heavy indicas turn off the lights, genuine Haze sparks the imagination. Always a 1st choice head stash for the Cloud Eaters, Haze is truly a strain for the dreamers among us.
What Makes RQS Haze Strains So Special?
Royal Queens Seeds was founded by sativa lovers, so it’s no surprise that some of the most extraordinary Haze varieties are to be found exclusively in the RQS Haze Collection. Genuine Haze is often imitated but never equalled. However, top-shelf Haze induces trippy, euphoric vibrations like no other weed around.
Few cannabis seed banks possess authentic Haze genetics. Far fewer contain the expertise to successfully hybridise Haze if they did. Royal Queen Seeds brings the heat. Packing Fire Haze genetics and decades of master breeding expertise, our seeds are feminised and quite possibly the finest head stash strains in the game today.
Shogun er en af de mest potente Haze-sorter i hele Royal Queen Seeds-sortimentet. Vores dygtige avlere skabte denne THC-rige titan ved at krydse forældresorterne Amnesia Haze og Gorilla Glue #4. Resultatet af denne blanding blev disse fantastiske harpiksagtige knopper fyldt med trichomer.
Shogun arvede forskellige egenskaber fra hver slægtslinje. Den arvede sine forfriskende terpender og energiboostende virkninger fra sin Haze-forgængere og sit enorme THC-indhold på 25 % fra sine Gorilla-forfædre. Hvis du bruger disse knopper i en joint eller bong, kan du forvente hurtigvirkende cerebrale virkninger, der ofte giver anledning til latteranfald og kreativitet. Kraftfulde noter af citrus, jord og fyr gør disse knopper til en sand nydelse.
Shogun-planten klarer sig fantastisk både indendørs og udendørs, når det kommer til dyrkning. Indendørs planter bliver kun 90-140 cm høje men producerer hele 550-600 gram pr. m² i løbet af 9-11 uger. Udendørs kan denne sort blive op til 190 cm høj og give et afkast på op til 750 gram pr. plante, når det bliver tid til høst i slutningen af oktober.
Amnesia Haze x Gorilla Glue 4 |
550 - 600 gr/m2 |
90 – 140 cm |
9 - 11 uger |
THC: 25% |
Sativa 70% Indica 30% |
650 - 750 gr/plant |
150 - 190 cm |
Sen oktober |
Beroligende, Klar, Latter, Opløftende |
AMG, som også er kendt som Amnesia Mac Ganja, er en af de sorter, hvor Haze-genetikken virkelig kommer til fuld udfoldelse. Vores avlere skabte denne sativa-dominerede hybrid ved at krydse Amnesia med Mexican Haze. Resultatet? En ilter sort, der kombinerer et THC-indhold på 22 % med citrus- og jordterpener. Denne fytokemiske profil fremkalder typiske Haze-virkninger, så du kan forberede dig på bølger af energi og motivation. Fyr op under disse knopper om morgenen sammen med en stærk kop kaffe for at kickstarte dagen. Hvis du elsker spiselige cannabisprodukter, er AMG en velegnet kandidat. Du vil føle dig ekstra stenet men samtidig opkvikket og energisk.
Indendørs bliver AMG ca. 80-120 cm høj, og derfor er den perfekt til små dyrkningsrum. Med det korrekte lys- og fodringsskema, kan du høste op til 500 gram pr. m² efter en blomstringstid på 10-11 uger. Udendørs planter foretrækker lange vækstsæsoner og bliver op til 140-200 cm. Plant dem på et solrigt sted, og høst op til 550-600 gram pr. plante i slutningen af oktober eller begyndelsen af november.
AMG - Amnesia Mac Ganja
Amnesia x Mexican Haze |
450 - 500 gr/m2 |
80 - 120 cm |
10 - 11 uger |
THC: 22% |
Sativa 80% Indica 20% |
550 - 600 gr/plant |
140 - 200 cm |
Oktober |
Balanceret, Klar, Stenet |
Royal Moby
Royal Moby, også kendt som Moby Dick, udnytter kraften fra Haze-genetik fuldt ud og levere udbytter på størrelse med hvaler. Sorten er en efterkommer af den originale Haze og White Widow, og hver eneste plantecelle er pakket med disse legendariske gener. Samlet set har planten arvet gode niveauer af THC, en kompleks terpenprofil og imponerende produktivitet fra sine forældre.
Når du ryger disse knopper, oplever du afbalancerede virkninger, som er præget af fysisk afslapning og mental klarhed. Den intense smag af blåbær, citrus, jord, urter og peber fyrer op under smagsløgene på tungen med hvert eneste hiv. Selvom du til en vis grad kan opleve disse noter, når du ryger den, får du den ægte og fulde oplevelse af sortens terpenprofil, hvis du putter Royal Moby-knopperne i en vaporizer.
Mange cannabisdyrkere er tiltrukket af Royal Moby-sorten på grund af dens gigantiske udbytte. Indendørs planter bliver ca. 80-140 cm høje, så de holder sig forholdsvis lave. De producerer dog stadig helt op til 600 gram pr. m² efter en blomstringstid på kun 9-10 uger. Udendørs kan planterne blive helt op til 300 cm, og du kan høste hele 700 gram pr. plante i slutningen af oktober.
Royal Moby
Haze x White Widow |
550 - 600 gr/m2 |
80 - 140 cm |
9 - 10 uger |
THC: 21% |
Sativa 65% Indica 35% |
650 - 700 gr/plant |
200 - 300 cm |
Sen oktober |
Balanceret, Klar, Stenet |
El Patron
El Patron, som på spansk betyder "the boss", lever 100 % op til dens navn. Den nedstammer fra en imponerende slægt, boomer med Haze-gener, producerer masser af THC og har vundet adskillige priser, herunder førstepladsen for "Common Weed Cultured in Soil" ved Highlife Cup. Denne populære sort stammer fra forældresorterne AMG og Shiva, og den producerer tilspidsede grønne knopper med flotte lilla nuancer.
Sorten har et THC-indhold på 22 % samt store mængder myrcen og limonen, og tilsammen producerer de fysisk afslappende virkninger, der beroliger kroppen, samtidig med at den holder dig klar i sindet. Nyd disse knopper om aftenen, når du vil slappe af uden at blive alt for stenet.
El Patron-planterne passer godt til små dyrkningstelte og ombyggede kasser indendørs. Hvis du bruger LST-træning og topping, kan du holde den så lav som 90 cm, samtidig med at du kan høste op til 550 gram pr. m² efter en blomstringsperiode på 9-10 uger. Udendørs klarer den sig bedst i områder med en lang vækstsæson. Hvid du dyrker den i en polykulturopsætning, kan du holde skadedyr i skak naturligt og høste op til 600 gram pr. plante i slutningen af oktober.
El Patron
AMG x Shiva |
450 - 550 gr/m2 |
90 - 130 cm |
9 - 10 uger |
THC: 22% |
Sativa 60% Indica 40% |
550 - 600 gr/plant |
140 - 200 cm |
Sen oktober |
Kraftfuld, Stenet |
Shining Silver Haze
Entire seed banks have been founded on a combination of Northern Lights, Skunk and Haze genetics. By successfully hybridising all three legendary varieties into one definitive Haze hybrid strain, Royal Queen Seeds gives you the Shining Silver Haze.
Blending indica genetics with Haze is a complicated business. Striking the right balance between reduced flowering times and optimal Haze conditions is no easy feat. With Shining Silver Haze, RQS retains the trademark cerebral effects of this strain with quicker flowering times. In fact, growers can crop a heavy harvest of high flying haze nuggs in just 9-10 weeks of bloom!
Moreover, plants are far more compact and manageable when grown indoors, reaching approximately 1m. Outdoors, this strain can tower up to 2m, featuring ornaments of high-quality bud throughout. If you want top-grade Haze without the high-maintenance, accept no substitutes for Shining Silver Haze in your grow-op.
Shining Silver Haze
Haze x (Skunk x Northern Light) |
600 - 650 gr/m2 |
80 - 120 cm |
9 - 11 uger |
THC: 21% |
Sativa 75% Indica 25% |
600 - 650 gr/plant |
180 - 220 cm |
Sen oktober |
Tung |
Amnesia Haze
Hands down the most popular Haze variety among growers worldwide is Amnesia Haze.This strain has been scooping every high profile international cannabis cup and as a result has become the hottest selling strain right now.
Amnesia Haze is tremendously potent with THC levels touching 22%. Newbie tokers beware: the Ammo might just blow your head off. World-renowned for inducing long-lasting euphoria and a uniquely tropical flavour, this strain is genuine .50 calibre Haze.
Yields can be generous, provided you have the patience for a 12 week bloom cycle. Highly recommended for experienced sativa growers looking for something extraordinary, Amnesia Haze shouldn’t be missed.
Amnesia Haze
Original Amnesia Haze |
600 - 650 gr/m2 |
80 - 140 cm |
10 - 11 uger |
THC: 22% |
Sativa 70% Indica 30% |
650 - 700 gr/plant |
175 - 210 cm |
Sen oktober |
Fysisk afslappende, Kraftfuld, Langvarig |
Royal Haze Automatic
For both the novice grower and the seasoned sativa cultivator looking for a low maintenance head stash, allow us to introduce you to Royal Haze Automatic. These days, if you want 15%+ THC sativas in 10-12 weeks total crop time, you can have it.
Royal Queen Seeds’ next generation breeding program has successfully created a host of Fire autoflowering strains rivalling photoperiod alternatives. The Royal Haze Automatic is a pedigree blend of Amnesia Haze, Skunk and Ruderalis.
Compact and typically under 1m tall, Royal Haze is easy to grow and yields a heavy serving of buds. Royal Haze Automatic will make you a believer. Capable of producing up to 350g/m² indoors and up to 180g per plant outdoors, there is simply no good reason not to give these beans a run.
Royal Haze Auto
Amnesia Haze x Skunk x Ruderalis |
300 - 350 gr/m2 |
65 - 85 cm |
8 - 9 uger |
THC: 15% |
Sativa 50% Indica 20% Ruderalis 30% |
130 - 180 gr/plant |
120 - 150 cm |
12 - 13 after sprouting |
Klar, Opløftende |
Haze Berry
Fusing Shining Silver Haze with a DJ Short Blueberry has spawned a Haze hybrid bursting with sweet flavours and an even sweeter high. The Haze Berryis definitely not your typical Haze. Yet again, the master breeders at Royal Queen Seeds have created a strain that will change your perception of Haze varieties.
Visually, Haze Berry displays an excellent combination of indica and sativa attributes. Long slender leaves and low fertiliser requirements style it like a classic sativa, while its compact structure and dense, plentiful buds prove it’s indica lineage.
9-11 weeks of bloom and a little TLC and you can expect up to 575g/m² indoors and up to 650g per plant outdoors. In cooler conditions, plants can develop purple/blue colours. 20% THC and a mix of head and body effects differentiate Haze Berry from the average variety. An initial euphoric rush gives way to a creeping body stone that makes Haze Berry a favourite among tokers that find other Hazes a little too racy and cerebral.
Haze Berry
Blueberry x Shining Silver Haze |
525 - 575 gr/m2 |
60 - 100 cm |
9 - 11 uger |
THC: 20% |
Sativa 60% Indica 40% |
600 - 650 gr/plant |
160 - 180 cm |
Sen oktober |
Fysisk afslappende, Kraftfuld, Langvarig |
Chocolate Haze
Everyone loves a comeback. Royal Queen Seeds have re-engineered and rebooted vintage Chocolate Thai OG and Cannalope Haze to reinvent the Chocolate Haze.During the 1980’s, weed with chocolate aromas and sweet flavours were the most prized and sought after among connoisseurs. Unfortunately, the Chocolate Thai fad came and went.
Our 21st-century Chocolate Haze is top-shelf cannabis with 20%+ concentrations of THC. Noted for an uplifting and long-lasting head buzz, this modern classic sustains none of the high-maintenance downsides associated with Thai strains. However, the decadently sweet chocolate and coffee flavours have been retained and then some.
You can expect a more reasonable growth cycle with a reduced flowering period of 9-10 weeks. Plus, the yield from 90-160cm tall indoor plants can be as high as 500g/m². Outdoors, in warm dry conditions, 2m Chocolate ganja trees can produce up to 500g each. Harvests will be tasty and effects will be potent with this Chocolate Haze.
Chocolate Haze
OG Chocolate Thai x Cannalope Haze |
475 - 525 gr/m2 |
90 - 160 cm |
9 - 11 uger |
THC: 20% |
Sativa 95% Indica 5% |
450 - 500 gr/plant |
150 - 200 cm |
Sen oktober |
Tung |
Lemon Shining Silver Haze
Lemon Shining Silver Haze is the Haze with a citrus bite. By crossing the tropical Amnesia Haze with the juiciest Lemon Skunk, Royal Queen Seeds have given every sativa sybarite something to smile about. Fresh zesty lemon aromaswill perfume the grow-op. Moreover, this sweet citric Haze tastes as good as she looks and will keep you coming back for more.
Effects of this strain are almost completely cerebral and felt immediately. Energetic, creativeflurries are common. You may tidy your bedroom or perhaps paint an impressionist artwork! It all depends on your mood and dose of these sweet lemon nugs.
Lemon Shining Silver Haze is best cropped with some early training/pruning. Choose the Screen of Green (ScrOG) method to achieve maximum yields. Grown indoors, or outdoors in southern climates, this strain is a winner of many awards within the cannabis industry and has the home-grower results to prove it. Make room in your cannabis garden this season for the 25% THC queen of hazes.
Lemon Shining Silver Haze
Lemon Skunk x Shining Silver Haze |
600 - 650 gr/m2 |
80 - 140 cm |
9 - 10 uger |
THC: 21% |
Sativa 75% Indica 25% |
650 - 700 gr/plant |
130 - 170 cm |
Midt oktober |
Balanceret, Klar, Stenet |
familier med cannabisstamme
familier med cannabisstamme