• Euphoria
  • Euphoria
  • Euphoria
  • Euphoria
  • Euphoria
  • Euphoria


Både medicinske patienter og fritidsbrugere af cannabis er vilde med denne prisbelønnede hybrid-sort. Euphoria CBD-frøene er en kombination af Royal Medic- og Shark Shock-gener, og den byder på en lækker smag, stabile planter og den perfekte balance mellem THC og CBD.
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€ 9.00
€ 23.00
€ 35.00
€ 65.00
€ 130.00
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€ 23.00

€ 23.00 (--1%)

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Euphoria-sorten: Efterkommeren af Royal Medic og Shark Shock

Sorten Euphoria CBD er en fantastisk blanding af Royal Medic og Shark Shock-gener. Royal Medic-sorten har arvet størstedelen af sine gener fra Juanita la Lagrimosa, som er en af de mest berømte CBD-rige sorter. Shark Shock er en sort, der har eksisteret og vokset i popularitet siden slutningen af 1990’erne og som har vundet High Times Cannabis Cup. Shark Shock-sorten er kendt for sine hårdføre egenskaber, som den har videregivet til Euphoria.

Euphoria-frø: Hurtigblomstrende planter med indica-dominerede gener

Euphorias udprægede gener, betyder at sorten har en sød og frugtagtig aroma, der overføres til dens lækre smag. Da sorten består af 20 % sativa og 80 % indica, giver den en tydelig følelse af afslapning uden at du kommer til at føle dig alt for søvnig.

Udendørs udvikler Euphoria-frøene sig til mellemstore planter på 100-140 cm. Indika-dominansen i denne art er med til at give et godt udbytte. Udendørs planter vil producere omkring 400-500 gram pr. plante efter en hurtig 8-9 ugers blomstringsperiode!

Euphoria-frøene byder på prisbelønnet CBD-rig genetik

Euphoria-sorten vandt en førsteplads i Highlife Cup Medical Cannabis-kategorien. Det er en fantastisk hybrid med et højt CBD-indhold, som er perfekt til både rekreative og medicinske cannabisbrugere. Euphoria-frøene producerer planter med en uimodståelige lækker aroma og smag, 9 % THC og høje koncentrationer af CBD, som resulterer i velafbalancerede virkninger, der gør, at den kan nydes hele dagen.

Euphoria data sheet
Sorttype: CBD
THC: 9%
CBD: Høj
Udbytte indendørs: 450 - 500 gr/m2
Udbytte udendørs: 450 - 500 gr/plant
Højde indendørs: 60 - 100 cm
Højde udendørs: 120 - 150 cm
Blomstringstid: 8 - 9 uger
Høstmåned: Tidlig oktober
Genetisk baggrund: Great White Shark x CBD dominant plant
Type: Sativa 20% Indica 80%
Effekt: Balanceret, Beroligende, Fysisk afslappende
Klima: Korte somre
Smag: Frugtagtig

    Af H. K. Den 20/Mar/2025 :

    Titel : Ramrod
    Kommentar : 2 Samen bestellt, beide ohne Probleme gekeimt. Sind beide im Gewächshaus den Sommer über etwa 2m hoch geworden, Ernte im Oktober ca 200g (getrocknet) pro Pflanze + 10g Hasch aus den Schnittresten. Perfekt für den Start in den Tag wenn man sich noch nicht komplett ins Kome bringen will ;-) Leckerer Geschmack und Geruch nach Zitrus. Wachsen dieses Jahr auf jeden Fall auch wieder mit im Garten!

    Af B. S. Den 17/Feb/2025 :

    Titel : Worked for pain and relaxing/anxiety
    Kommentar : Really helped with my headaches and migraines

    Af M. W. Den 12/Dec/2024 :

    Titel : Euphoria
    Kommentar : I absolutely love the strain form the smell, taste, high and energy that it gives. Over all it just makes me happy and stress free. I see why this won a cannabis cup.

    Af J. G. Den 22/Nov/2024 :

    Titel : July
    Kommentar : Die Samen wurden extrem schnell geliefert. Ich habe sie draußen auf dem Balkon angebaut, und der Ertrag war überzeugend. Ideal zum Entspannen – ich werde definitiv wieder bestellen!

    Af O. M. Den 18/Nov/2024 :

    Titel : L.J.
    Kommentar : I grew Euphoria outdoor and for the last four weeks indoor during German "summer" 2024. I used a 20l pot and bio-fertilizer. Her final size was 1,60m and she was full of small but nice buds. I harvested her in the beginning of November. Unfortunately, although I put her inside for the last four weeks she showed some bud rot and mildew. Maybe, it was also my mistake; i should have fed her more potassium in the last weeks. Anyway, I still harvested over 60g dry of quality buds. The taste is fruity, sweet and woody, not too strong. The effect is soft, no psychedelic episodes, just elevated mood and relaxation; this is especially true for my golden dragon tincture, highly recommended!

    Af A. S. Den 06/Nov/2024 :

    Titel : excellent strain
    Kommentar : Easy to grow outdoors and harvested well. The effect is very calming and relaxing. Works well in the vaporizer. So far my favorite for a good night sleep!

    Af L. R. Den 16/Oct/2024 :

    Titel : Lemors
    Kommentar : Fast and uncomplicated processing. Excellent product. Exactly what I was looking for. Funny descriptions that put you in a good mood. Great support from the growing instructions

    Af T. W. Den 31/Jul/2024 :

    Titel : First Strain that really surprised me
    Kommentar : Hey Guys! I have started exploring cannabis about 3-4 years ago at the age of 35. I did smoke weed when I was younger, but I stopped at the age of 22 because of paranoia and anxiety and all this stuff. Since I rediscovered cannabis 3 years ago I tried several strains. Till this point at least 30-35 different strains. I was experimenting with indica and sativa to find something that fits my needs. Both has its pro an con, but nothing surprised me mich till I tried out Euphoria. The first grow was not so good, but the second one was good. It is actually not hard to grow, but somehow my first Euphoria-Grow didn't work out as expected. How ever: after trying all those different strains and now Euphoria, I came to the conclusion, that Euphoria is the best strain for a calm and relaxed mind. It does in deed lower anxiety and It does help you to relax. I can absolutely recommend it if u are looking for releaf from anxiety and trying to calm your nerves. Top strain for me

    Af M. H. Den 02/Jul/2024 :

    Titel : Joe
    Kommentar : Bin so gespannt auf die

    Af M. L. Den 20/May/2024 :

    Titel : Euphoria
    Kommentar : Ordered 1 seed and its growing well

    Af P. D. Den 20/May/2024 :

    Titel : PdH
    Kommentar : 3 van de 3 zaden goed ontkiemt 👍

    Af T. H. Den 25/Apr/2024 :

    Titel : Tom Soweia
    Kommentar : Euphoria ist meine absolute Lieblingssorte. Ideal, wenn man abends mit Freunden unterwegs ist. Die Wirkung ist absolut belebend und erheiternd, ohne dass man davon völlig stoned ist. Alle Samen gingen wie geplant auf und konnten, auf dem Balkon herangezogen, Anfang November geerntet werden. Absolute Empfehlung für Menschen, die auf der Suche nach einem belebenden High sind.

    Af N. B. Den 12/Feb/2024 :

    Titel : cousin it
    Kommentar : The social high! perfect if you want to smoke pure withou dirty tabacco and yet still take a bunch of puffs and share some doobies! you won't be drawn into paranoia or feel paralized! tast is fresh and lemony. The cultivation was easy. started too late, but still harvested alright. 1 seed one female. favourite kínd! you cannot buy well balanced an Ital weed like this in coffee shops or on the black market. Grow it yourself!

    Af J. W. Den 04/May/2023 :

    Titel : Euphoria POSITIVE & NEGATIVE
    Kommentar : NEGATIVE: 2 of 5 seeds did only geminate this year. Last year 3 of 3 did geminate but one seed was not euphoria but sth. else (interesting, but total different high and also the plant looked different) - so please royalqueenseeds improve your quality!! POSITIVE: euphoria is my favorite. soft high and superb for music and dance experiences

    Af P. B. Den 11/Apr/2023 :

    Titel : paul
    Kommentar : Hele fijne soort, maakt heerlijke olie. Ik zou wel extra bestellen want de zaden zijn wat kwetsbaar.

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From michele esposito | 2021-08-31 14:41:25

Questi semi sono femminizzati!?

Royal Queen Seeds Team

Yes, Euphoria is a feminized strain.

From Sahaj | 2018-06-15 14:44:12

I live in Spain in Mallorca, and won’t be able to plant the seeds of euphoria until the the 1st of July will they still flower? Thanks

Royal Queen Seeds Team

You can but it will not grow as much since the light will start to change and the vegetative stage will be shorter.

From Gerson Galan Beras | 2018-05-27 14:31:44

What's the amount of CBD in %?

Royal Queen Seeds Team

In general CBD content can be up to 8%. We consider high Strains those that have between 5-8%.

From Philip | 2017-11-19 17:44:53

Can I plant these seeds indoor in November?

Royal Queen Seeds Team

All our seeds can be planted indoor if you have the proper equipment, like a grow box with lights and good ventilation.

From Gregory | 2017-10-31 12:02:53

Is this strain very smelly(high odor)?

Royal Queen Seeds Team

The smell of your plants would depend on several factors If your plants are healthy and happy their smell will be stronger . Some companion plants can serve a masking function for the characteristic Cannabis plant smell.. Here is a link with some basic information about it https://www.royalqueenseeds.com/blog-companion-planting-for-cannabis-what-you-need-to-know-n338 .

From Stefy | 2017-10-03 21:56:26

Hi I live in Tuscany, Italy. Could you tell me in which month should I plant euphoria seeds to provide them a good growth? Thank you

Royal Queen Seeds Team

We would recommend you to put your plants in the soil by end of April or beginning of May.

From anonymous | 2017-10-01 15:18:29

Is 3 weeks of vegetation under 250w HPS enough to get at least 50g per plant? What is recommended vegetation period for this strain?

Royal Queen Seeds Team

It is very hard to say to predict how will be the yield of your plant. The vegetation period for this strain is around 8 weeks.

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