+ 3
Dance World
Dancehall 20 x Juanita La Lagrimosa
Sorttype: | CBD |
THC: | 12% |
CBD: | Høj |
Udbytte indendørs: | 475 - 525 gr/m2 |
Udbytte udendørs: | 400 - 450 gr/plant |
Højde indendørs: | 60 - 100 cm |
Højde udendørs: | 80 - 120 cm |
Blomstringstid: | 8 - 10 uger |
Høstmåned: | Tidlig oktober |
Genetisk baggrund: | Dancehall 20 x Juanita la Lagrímosa |
Type: | Sativa 75% Indica 25% |
Effekt: | Kreativ, Motiverende |
Klima: | Lange somre |
Smag: | Frugtagtig, Fyrretræsagtig, Jordagtig |
Titel : Blablabla
Kommentar : Not what i expected. The 12% THC is meant to be in the trichomes, not the flower content. Othervise i can't explain why my plant is feeling after a tester of 9 Weeks of flower completed like ok-ish cbd weed.
Yield is outstanding. Nugs are fat and dense, odor is weed-ish. Pretty standard. has nothing special to it. my pheno was barely stretching, very healthy, very easy to grow. But its way closer to a normal CBD Strain than to a balanced strain with noticeable amounts of THC.
I will give her another 2-3 Weeks. but doubt that its getting better.
Titel : Finn
Kommentar : Einfacher Anbau, guter Ertrag und eine super Wirkung.
Anbau: Problemlos, robust, hohe Erträge, top Qualität.
Wirkung: Euphorisierend, entspannend, aber nicht müde machend. Perfekte Balance!
Geschmack: Fruchtig-süß, erdig, lecker!
Fazit: Absolute Empfehlung für alle, die eine unkomplizierte Sorte mit entspannender Wirkung suchen.
Titel : Ben
Kommentar : Sehr gut gewachsen und verträgt sehr gut Schnitte. Habe sie von beginn an runter gebunden und sie hat es hervorragend angenommen.
Das high ist sehr angenehm und leicht. Gut geeignet für Anfänger oder um sich nicht wie ein Alien auf einer Party zu fühlen. Keimrate war bei mir 100%
Titel : y
Kommentar : natürliches gefühl durch cbd gehalt
Titel : Happy Grower
Kommentar : Used both indoors & out. A true warrior.
Titel : Dance Hall Monster
Kommentar : One of my three (indoor grow) Dance World Plants is currently 206cm 81" tall - 54" wide and still stretching. I had to remove a couple ceiling tiles to accomodate it. I topped the other two and they are all doing great. I just had to post this because it says they average 1-3' indoors and 2-4' outdoors. It's a true monster and a sight to behold!
Titel : Got my seeds!
Kommentar : Thanks, they all germinated and are well on their way! Amazing genetics!
Titel : Nice mellow high
Kommentar : The high is very nice for parties or chilling with friends, not a lot of stretch though. Really grows like an Indica
Titel : Super stærk plante
Kommentar : Har købt 6 frø alle er spiret kar allerede sat dem i haven og de vokser kraftigt på trods af at der har været nattefrost og ned til 3 grader om dagen glæder mig til september
Titel : Sehr zufrieden
Kommentar : 5-6 samen innerhalb von 2Tagen aufgegangen, ich bin bis jetzt sehr Zufrieden 😊👍
Zustellung hat aufgrund der hohen Nachfrage letzte Zeit etwas länger gedauert aber auf die paar Tage kommts jetzt auch nicht an. 😊👍🌱
Titel : C
Kommentar : Great growth and easy to clone ; did Indoor and Outdoor with great yield.
Lemon-y Aroma and uplifting high: absolute Favourite of Mine!
Titel : Awesome strain
Kommentar : Easy to grow and have awesome taste
Titel : Einwandfrei
Kommentar : Der Samen ist praktisch verpackt und ist problemlos aufgegangen. Hate mit RQS niemals Probleme und der Gratis-Grinder ist natürlich auch eine tolle Sache!
Titel : super duper
Kommentar : we really liked this one!
Titel : My favorite plant
Kommentar : I have been using Royal Queen Seeds for several years, and I don’t believe I can do any better than Danceworld. Easy to grow and eases my chronic pain, wile still being able to function normally.
Is this an automatic or classic feminized?
It is a feminized strain.
Hi. Can you tell me how much cold weather they resist? In my city temperature goes down to 4°C at night in winter season. Tks
We do not recommend yo expose plants to temperatures below 10-12C.
Is this strain very smelly(high odor)?
There is no one good answer for that because the strength of the smell depends on many various factors If the plants are healthy and happy their smell intensity will increase as they get closer to the harvest time. You can consider introducing some companion plants into your garden, some of them can serve a masking function for the characteristic Cannabis plant smell.. Here is a link with some basic information about it https://www.royalqueenseeds.com/blog-companion-planting-for-cannabis-what-you-need-to-know-n338
Do you recommend pinching out ? If so at what stage or at how many nodes ?
Pinching off 75% of the tip from the main stem between fingers is preferred to a neat scissor-cut to the whole tip. But it’s important not to do so once the flowering stage begins.
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Cannabisfrø kan distribueres frit inden for EU under princippet om gensidig anerkendelse. Det er dog dit eget ansvar at undersøge lokale love og bestemmelser, før du bestiller.